You vs. the Volcano :
Reaching the Reactive Dog

for Toy and Small Dogs only
Your little dog is so sweet. Snuggly and cuddly in your lap, looking at you with adoring eyes, delightful on walks. Until… something happens. Suddenly your little lovebug goes from great to Bark-Bark-Bark-Lunge. Your sweet dog acts like an out-of-control Cujo, whether when passing other dogs on leash, strangers approach, or a sudden noise or movement in the environment sets them off. What the heck? You have a sweet dog--where did he or she go?
Regardless of whether or not your dog would "actually bite" or is big enough to hurt anyone, reactivity can be scary, frustrating and downright embarrassing. And it’s stressful—for you and the dog.
It can also be drastically reduced and improved in most dogs.
But small and toy breed dogs can have special challenges, and solutions that work for bigger dogs don’t always work the same way for them. In this course, tailored specifically to the unique needs of the Little Ones, we'll explore the underlying causes of reactivity. We’ll develop toy-dog friendly management and training strategies to reduce it, and we’ll learn and practice simple handling and training techniques to get the SWEET dog back to being sweet even when their triggers are present.
The Format of the Course
The course consists of six sessions. In the first lecture session (for humans only), we’ll introduce key skills and plans for solving your dog’s behavior challenges. In the next five sessions, working Dog/Handler Teams will come together to apply the core skills, to learn and practice exercises specifically chosen for the issue they’re working on, and to develop and refine their customized Action Plans.
If you are registering as a working team, please download and fill out the Dog Behavior History.
Opening Lecture (Without Dogs):
Wednesday June, 7th 3-5 pm
Working Sessions (With Dogs):
5 Wednesdays at 3 pm
June 14, 28, July 5, 12, 19
School for Dogs & Their People
905 Lassen Lane, Mt. Shasta
Attending With Your Dog
Space is limited to 6 working Dog/Handler Teams. Permission of the instructor required.
Working Team Tuition: $140.00
Attending Without a Dog
Trying to absorb new information and handle a dog in a group class can be a challenge for many of us. If your dog isn’t ready for a group setting, or if you simply want to focus on your own learning with less distraction, you can still get major benefits to bring home to your dog by auditing the course. Sometimes, just observing how other people handle actually teaches us more!
Full Auditor Tuition: $85
Opening Lecture Only:
$20 in advance/$25.00 at the door
To register online:
download the fillable PDF form, fill out on your computer, save and e-mail back to me at: clickercoach@snowcrest. net
To register by mail: download, fill and print out the registration form; mail form with payment to the address on the forms.
Class requirements: Class space is limited, so register early to guarantee your space. Dogs must be current on vaccinations. Please Note: This class is for Toy and Small dogs only!
You v Volcano Toy Ed Reg Form 2017 fill.pdf (PDF — 343 KB)
(PDF — 468 KB)

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